
I have decided to live life to the fullest. I'm going to try and do new things on a regular basis, try and visit new places, try and not live such a boring life. In essence I want to live like a tourist in my own town. Visit places, see new things. Let's live this life to the fullest!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring Break, Part 1: San Diego Zoo

Let me just start by saying I love Zoo's!! I think animals are awesome. And while it's not great for the animals to be captivity, it's great for me because I get to see them closer then I would otherwise. We went to SDZ on a fairly overcast day, but it turned out to be awesome because all the animals were out walking around because of the wonderful nice weather. 

These little monkeys were so cute. There were a ton of them just hanging out.

This tiger wants to eat the little girl in front of me who is pestering it. Look at those beautiful eyes. Tigers are such amazing creatures.

Baby Panda!! The pandas were even up and moving, tell me how often does that happen?? And to see a baby, yay!!

A momma meerkat checking to make sure the little one isn't getting into trouble. These are such cute little animals, these and prairie dogs I could watch for a while. They just scamper all over and dive into holes, and then poke their heads out. Too cute.

See what I mean about a lot of the animals being up and moving. Even the koalas, who sleep something like 18 hours a day, were up and eating. 

What a bizarre creature....nope, just my dad.


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