
I have decided to live life to the fullest. I'm going to try and do new things on a regular basis, try and visit new places, try and not live such a boring life. In essence I want to live like a tourist in my own town. Visit places, see new things. Let's live this life to the fullest!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Women of Faith: Hagar

Hagar was an Egyptian slave who became the maid servant for Sarah. As we read about in Sarah's story, Hagar became the mother to Abraham's first son, Ishmael. Sarah wanted to use Hagar as a surrogate, but when she was able to conceive Sarah became jealous and started to treat Hagar horribly.

It is interesting to think that the idea of a surrogate occurred in biblical times. In that time period, however, it was more a necessity than just a couple wanting a child (though I'm sure that was a part at times). In ancient times your livelihood and fortune were passed on through your offspring. And it was male children that received the inheritance, not the female.

But back to Hagar and her story...Once Hagar conceived her life with Sarah became very difficult. So difficult that Hagar fled into the desert while she was still pregnant. An angel of the Lord intervened and told her to return to Sarah. Hagar returned, gave birth and stayed for many years. But things would change for Hagar and Ishmael one more time, when Sarah gave birth to the son that she was promised. Not too long after Isaac was born Sarah wanted Hagar and Ishmael cast out from their homestead. Abraham did not want to throw his son out into the desert, but again an angel of the Lord intervened and told him not to worry about Ishmael. And so Abraham and Sarah sent Hagar and Ishmael away.

After only a short time in the desert the rations that they had been sent out with were expired. Hagar put Ishmael in one spot and she started to walk away because she could not watch her son die. She began to cry, her son was crying. Although Ishmael was not the chosen son of Abraham, he was still a son of Abraham and God provided for him. An angel of the Lord showed Hagar an oasis in the desert, both her and her son survived. 

Hagar was thrown into a situation she did not ask for. She was given to Sarah as a slave from Egypt. Once she gained Sarah's trust and became her maidservant she was told to sleep with her mistresses husband and become a surrogate. Once she did conceive, as Sarah had asked of her, she was greatly mistreated. The Lord heard her cries and told her to return to Sarah after she had runaway. When she was eventually turned away for good, the Lord again provided for her. 

How difficult is it to be thrust into a situation you didn't want or expect? Hagar did the best with what she was given, at one point it became to much and she ran. I often feel like running from situations when I get overwhelmed and am not sure how to proceed. As was custom, God actually spoke to Hagar through an angel. Once she knew that God was behind her she was able to face Sarah and Abraham, and to raise her son in their presence. We don't have the luxury of hearing the voice of an angel or the voice of God, though that would sure make things easy. Instead we have to rely on urges and feelings that God wants us to do one thing or another. 

"Lord, sometimes I feel abandoned, as though no one understands or cares about me. Please show me that you really are near and that you see and hear everything that happens. Refresh me with your presence even when I am walking through a desert experience. And help me, in turn, to comfort others when they feel hopeless and alone. In Jesus' name, Amen."

*prayer taken from "Women of the Bible" by Spangler & Syswerda

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