
I have decided to live life to the fullest. I'm going to try and do new things on a regular basis, try and visit new places, try and not live such a boring life. In essence I want to live like a tourist in my own town. Visit places, see new things. Let's live this life to the fullest!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Stuck in the Middle; a review

Stuck in the Middle (Sister-to-Sister, Book 1)

Joan is a middle sister, she's 25, and she's living with mother and grandmother. Joan had thought she had life figured out, until her boyfriend of 9 years leaves her and marries another woman. That was almost a year ago and she hasn't dated, or wanted to date since. That is until a handsome young doctor rents the house next door. 

I thoroughly enjoyed Joan. She was believable and her struggles were real. The dynamics between her and hew two sisters were witty and charming. The relationship between Joan and Ken, her neighbor doctor, was well written out. I related to Joan and her struggle to find a real relationship with God. Joan has always been a church-goer, a "Sunday Christian." It's not until she hears a missionary speak, and Ken comes into her life that she's realizes what she's missing and longing for. It is a great story on how to overcome past losses of loved ones and focus on the one constant in our life, God. There were a few key scriptures that were worked nicely into the story-line. I would recommend this book to anyone who's having those same struggles.

This was a great free selection on Amazon's free books list for Kindle.

*All opinions are my own. I received no compensation for this review.

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