
I have decided to live life to the fullest. I'm going to try and do new things on a regular basis, try and visit new places, try and not live such a boring life. In essence I want to live like a tourist in my own town. Visit places, see new things. Let's live this life to the fullest!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Mike and I have now moved to Lemoore, CA!! No more MISSISSIPPI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Prior to us coming here we were in the hands of the Navy waiting on we took a drive down to Santa Barbara so as not to completely annoy our friends who were letting us crash at their place. My mom's brother and his family live there so we spent a few days with them.

I love Santa Barbara, it is this cute little beach town that has your typical CA feel to it. State Street is a blast to walk up and down and go into all the little boutique shops, as well as your name brand stores. There are two, yes TWO, Starbucks on State Street!! (Oh and did I mention that in Lemoore, the base has a Starbucks??? And Target is now only 15 minutes away AND it has a Starbucks in it as well!!! I'm a little stoke to be out of MS if you can't tell!!)

Anyways, back to our little two day vacation.... We went down to S.B. on a Tuesday with the intentions of staying only one night. We stayed two because it was just so nice.

I had not been back to S.B. to visit my aunt and uncle since I was in high school. I had remembered the Santa Barbara Mission to be amazing and so Mike and I took some time and went there. (We also went to the Natural History Musuem, which might have been alright if we had kids, maybe). The mission was not a disappointment.

This picture is an attempt to recreate and amazing postcard I saw where the mission was reflected in the water, I think I kinda got the effect.

The gardens and the cemetery at the mission are also picturesque and amazing. This one is the center of the complex and at one point was a prayer garden for the monks that lived there. The flowers were blooming and the sun was shining. Just an all around perfect day to be wandering around outside. We attempted to take a picture of Mike and I with this in the background, but there was no one near by and no where to place the camera without having a tri-pod. Maybe I should get one, I could be a real tourist then!!

We have since been back to Santa Barbara for a weekend. At that time we enjoyed a four year old's birthday party and his older sister singing in an opera!!

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