
I have decided to live life to the fullest. I'm going to try and do new things on a regular basis, try and visit new places, try and not live such a boring life. In essence I want to live like a tourist in my own town. Visit places, see new things. Let's live this life to the fullest!!

Friday, April 17, 2009


Alright, so it's been awhile since an update so here goes...

I am stuck in a job I don't really enjoy. For the most part I enjoy all my co-workers and even the family I would for. It is just the work that I do. It is not challenging and it is the same thing day in and day out. I input number's into the computer which takes maybe fifteen minutes, tops! I print the bills twice a week. I have to sort the mail. The only saving grace, ok well there's two things. First. I'm leaving soon. And second, I get to leave the office for about an hour each day to run errands. If we were going to be here any longer than the short time we are I would not still be working here.

Now on the Mike...he is set be done in July or August. Currently he is going through weapons training and learning to drop bombs on targets. So far he is realy enjoying his training. He probably only has about 30-35 events left before he goes to the boatto get his carrier qualifications and then he gets his wings.

From here in Meridian, MS we go either to the east coast and Virginia Beach, VA or to the west coast and Lemoore, Ca or Washington. We haven't really talked about what we want to put as our preference. Where we go from here we could be at for a year of four years before we might move again. And it also could be longer than that. Somewhere in our future could be a three year tour in Japan, which would be quite an experience. We also could do what is known as a shore tour in D.C. Which would mean no flying for Mike but an amazing place to live for a few years.

As you can tell we don't know what the future holds beyond August!!


Kelly said...

Yay for blog updates! I'm sure the summer can't come fast enough for you. I really hope that you will enjoy the next location that you call home much more than where you currently live. I'm sorry things haven't gotten any better. :(
Are you coming out to AZ again anytime soon?

The Greunkes said...

It does get better...hang in there.


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