So it's been a bit since I last wrote anything. Mainly because there has really been a lack of anything exciting going on in my life at the moment. I have yet to come out of whatever slump moving to podunk Mississippi has put me in. When I get away from here and don't have to worry about having nothing to do and no job, I'm fine.
Just last weekend we went to Annapolis and the academy for a wedding of one of Mike's classmates. It was beautiful, well the weather wasn't but the campus was and the wedding was. We got to see a few of the guys and gals that we hadn't seen since our wedding, so that was nice especially for Mike. It was just a quick turnaround trip, just one night. But it was awesome to get out of here for a but and see what big towns are like. And to have a Starbucks drink!! Amazing thing Starbucks, sad that I don't have one closer to me.
Have I mentioned before that I have drive over an hour to a Target and Starbucks?? It's craziness!! There are also no craft stores around so if I need any scrapbooking stuff I also have to drive over an hour to get to one of those. I'm amazed of the people that have lived here their whole lives knowing nothing else. Although, I guess if you know nothing else than you don't know what you are missing. But man am I missing a lot. I had thought that Pensacola was bad when we moved there from Scottsdale, but this is much worse. Pensacola was a good transition city I guess. We have seen a lot of movies since being here because that is about all there is to do.
On to maybe some more exciting things. I have been looking for a job for a couple of months now and finally got some calls to interview last week. I had two interviews last Friday before we left town. One was at a local furniture store which is expanding to sell children's furniture and they need floor sale associates. They did offer me the job: BUT it would require me to work on weekends and I'm getting out of the animal field because of that very reason, and I'm just not sure that want to do retail. They did offer me part time to work just MWF if I want to take that, so I told them I would think about it.
I also interviewed at Peavey; which some may or may not have heard of. It's a big guitar and amplifier company and the international headquarters is right here in Meridian, one thing this small town has going for them (they also have a Coca-Cola bottling plant). The founder of Peavey is from meridian, and still works at the company on a daily basis. I would be an assitant for the guy that handles all their "big box" accountants -- Target, Wal-Mart, Penney's, Guitar World places like that. I think it would be a very interesting place to work and it would actually require some thought and more work than just "Here's a crib, wanna buy it?" K, so the furniture probably wouldnt be that bad but still.
AND then, just this week I interviewed at a lawyer's office in a neighboring city that if much smaller than Meridian. And let me tell, it was a southern lawyer's office. My interview was at 8 am, coming from a bigger city, I of course showed up about 10 minutes early, only to find out that in small town lawyer's offices you can be ten minutes late an no one will notice. The lawyer promptly shows up at about half past 8 -- big white guy, disheveled hair, khaki cargo pants and a multi-color plaid shirt. Not exactly what I was expecting for a lawyer. All the girls (all his assitants were young women around my age?!?!) were wearing jeans and little sweaters or khaki pants and little tops. Needless to say I most likely will not be taking that position if they call me back.
I am really hoping that Peavey will offer me a position at their company. It would be the most interesting and probably where I would learn the most. The people that were there just seemed like they had such a fun attitude about work and life. One major bonus about Peavey also is that they close down for about 2 weeks around Christmas/New Years, so I wouldn't have to worry about taking the time off when we come to AZ during that time.
Hopefully something will come soon because I'm getting really bored here. I have met a few wives. I have been plugged in with wives club for Michael's squadron so that has been nice. The one down side to some of my neighborhood wives is that they already have children or are pregnant. There are probably only about a handful of us in the neighborhood that don't fall under one of those categories. Some of them are a year of two older then me, their husbands are just a little ahead of Michael and they already have two kids, some even expecting their third! I cannot imagine that right now. I mean Michael and I have talked about starting in about a year for a family.
Well I think I have rambled enough. I haven't written anything in so long I'm sure most of it isn't even grammatically correct or anything. I really need to get back into school or something too. I just need something to do!!